🆚What is the difference between "his wife" and "her wife" ? "his wife" vs "her wife" ? (2025)


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8 Oct 2016

  • Spanish (Colombia)

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🆚What is the difference between "his wife" and "her wife" ? "his wife" vs "her wife" ? (2)

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8 Oct 2016

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 1472

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His wife is the correct one, her can only be used for wemen, therefore if you say her wife, it sounds as "lesbian woman".


🆚What is the difference between "his wife" and "her wife" ? "his wife" vs "her wife" ? (4)

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8 Oct 2016

  • English (US)
  • Spanish (Mexico)Near fluent

Quality Point(s): 73

Answer: 98

Like: 86

It just depends on who you are addressing. (Depende de quien hablas o a quien te refieres)

His wife: The wife of a male/man (la esposa de un hombre)

Her wife: The wife of a female/woman
(la esposa de una mujer)


🆚What is the difference between "his wife" and "her wife" ? "his wife" vs "her wife" ? (11)

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🆚What is the difference between "his wife" and "her wife" ? "his wife" vs "her wife" ? (18)

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🆚What is the difference between "his wife" and "her wife" ? "his wife" vs "her wife" ? (2025)


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